Free Driver Scan

Find the latest drivers to keep your computer working longer, safer, and faster

The award-winning PC Updater is a revolutionary service that lets you scan your computer and find out everything you need to update, instantly. Use PC Updater to avoid computer problems and extend the life of your computer!

Bonus Finds updates for your software applications too!
Such as Firefox, VLC, Spybot, Ccleaner, Clamwin, Avira, etc.

Why update with PC Updater?

Device Drivers are small files that help the different parts of your computer communicate with each other. They are often updated by manufacturers to remove bugs or add features, so keeping your computer’s drivers updated to the latest version can improve performance.

Vendors of Software Applications (especially free ones) often issue updates to close security holes, remove bugs, and improve functionality. As soon as the new version comes out, the bad guys know every weakness of the older version, so if you haven’t updated, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable.

Windows Update and other software auto-update tools do part of the job, but they are far from complete and many programs you use every day don’t have auto-update.

PC Updater is fast and easy to use! To get fully updated, try PC Updater for FREE today!

RadarSync's PC Updater

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