Google, Inc.
Company Information
\"Google\'s mission is to organize the world\'s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
As a first step to fulfilling that mission, Google\'s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new approach to online search that took root in a Stanford University dorm room and quickly spread to information seekers around the globe. Google is now widely recognized as the world\'s largest search engine -- an easy-to-use free service that usually returns relevant results in a fraction of a second. \"
What\'s a Google?
\"Googol\" is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, \"Mathematics and the Imagination\" by Kasner and James Newman. Google\'s play on the term reflects the company\'s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.
What\'s a Google?
\"Googol\" is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, \"Mathematics and the Imagination\" by Kasner and James Newman. Google\'s play on the term reflects the company\'s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.
Website: http://www.google.com
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Vendor Items
TitleCategoryDate addedVersion
8/9/2009 8:49:01 AM500.00
This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly. It's an alternative to WYMeditor with much less features. With a small file size less than 17Kb 26Kb total and only 9Kb 18Kb of code and 7Kb packed, the main concept is to keep it simple, not all users need font coloring or create tables, just the basic.
8/9/2009 1:16:56 PM500.oo
Google Calendar Sync allows you to sync events between Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar. You'll be able to determine the direction of information flow, as well as the sync frequency. Staying on top of your Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar events has never been easier! Here's some good information to know to help you get started with Google Calendar Sync.