Flash Message

Gender: Male

Location: United States

Industry: Computers-Electronics

Packs: 15

Trackers: 0

About me

Running, reading, touching the sun, and my baby (RadarSync). My new favorite project is to make Packzoola into a different kind of community, that shines the sun on the software world and where people will love to Pack, share and discover amazing, free software together (sorry my Mac friends, we're mostly a PC site for now). Check out my favorite Pack here: http://tinyurl.com/q9j9n2 Look for me online: http://friendfeed.com/noamgordon http://twitter.com/ngishere http://www.linkedin.com/in/ngishere

Online ID

My new favorite project is to make Packzoola into a different kind of community, that shines the sun on the software world and where people will love to Pack, share and discover amazing, free software together (sorry my Mac friends, we're mostly a PC site for now). Check out my favorite Pack here: http://tinyurl.com/q9j9n2 Look for me online: FriendFeed=http://friendfeed.com/noamgordon twitter=http://twitter.com/ngishere LI=http://www.linkedin.com/in/ngishere

Copy of Green PC

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About This Pack

Try this software to make your computer and your life greener and save energy!



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