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What is eMule?
At dawn of May 13th 2002 a guy called Merkur was dissatisfied with the original eDonkey2000 client and was convinced he could do better. So he did. He gathered other developers around him, and eMule Project was born. Their aim was to put the client back on track where eDonkey had been famous before, adding tons of new features and a nice GUI. They couldn't imagine what impact this decision would have...
As of today, eMule is one of the biggest and most reliable peer-to-peer file sharing clients around the world. Thanks to it's open source policy many developers are able to contribute to the project, making the network more efficient with each release.
What does eMule mean?
The name "eMule" comes from an animal called "Mule" which is somehow similar to a donkey ;)
How often is eMule updated?
eMule is not updated regularly, but at the moment the frequencies are between 1 and 3 months. Don't take this for guaranteed. :)


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eMule Download & Updates


Download the latest version for Windows Vista

eMule version created: 2/23/2012 1:46:57 AM
Last eMule update: 11/3/2010 2:08:08 AM
Version #:

File name: http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1&rm=download

eMule update added less than 3 days ago!

Release Notes:

Item Type: ShortCut Software

Note: If you already have eMule installed and are looking for an update, you should use our free software update and security tool to manage your downloads.

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