In theory, you can configure your computer to get the most from your Internet connection, depending on the type of connection. There are many tweaking and network optimisation tools that will enable you to analyse the connection and then automatically improve your current configuration.
The problem is that if you’re a laptop user, you may move between office, home and working from remote locations. In the office, your choice of network may be through ethernet, whilst working remotely, you may have to rely on a slower 3G card. At home you may use a WiFi network. You can’t possibly re-configure your PC to get the most from the different network, if you’re always on the move.
The solution is a network connection manager designed to understand and analyse the current network and re-configure your settings and applications to get the most from the network. It will always remember your previous configuration, so if you’ve setup your PC to connect to a particular network, the Avanquest Connection Manager will enable you to connect again, without having to remember your login info.
Avanquest Connection Manager can even re-configure your installed applications based on the network. If you’re connected to a slower 3G network, with limited bandwidth, you may not want to show your browser homepage, each time want to browse the web. You may want to stop your email client from downloading large email attachments.
When you connect to a different network, it’s as simple as selecting a different profile configuration from within the Avanquest Connection Manager.
Free tool that will enable you to quickly re-configure your system profile to match a current network