deskPDF is a simple print driver that produces Adobe Acrobat(R) compatible,
PDF 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 compliant documents.
Compatible Platforms:
Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista and Server 2003 (32 and 64 bit versions).
New features 2.5 (all versions):
-Viewer prefs including Auto-Rotate setting for optimal landscape PDF viewing
-Auto name suggest
-AD Group policy aware application settings and admin template
-Remember last conversion settings
-Added more CAD/Design page sizes
-Extensible and editable distiller parameter based quality settings
-Copy saved filename to clipboard setting
-Default path registry setting
-Auto-Name increment registry setting
-Detect XP system path issue and fix during installation (MS KB 319114)
-Automatic locale based detection for Letter/A4 default page size selection
-Improved profile handling in TS version
-Supports 64 bit Windows