DC++ is the standard client for the Direct Connect network. Direct
Connect is based on peer-to-peer file sharing over the internet without
restrictions or limits. Direct Connect is a decentralized network
builded by individual chatroom-like sharing communities called hubs
that users join to share files with other members on that hub.
- Open source software, the code is freely available under the GNU GPL
- Firewall/Router Support
- Users can join multiple hubs at the same time
- List of favorite hubs and favorite users
- Shares large files and many files per your organization scheme
- Tiger Tree Hashes (TTH) used for file integrity
- Search across all (or selected) connected hub by type, size, or name
- Resume of broken downloads
- Optional search for alternate download sources
- Logging options and configuration for chat, private messages, downloads, and uploads
- Autoconfiguration of UPnP routers
- MAGNET link support for linking to specific content
- Download priorities
- Saving of user's file lists for browsing and queueing
- Translation into other languags by custom supplied XML language files